Attached are the excellent notes that resident Don Becker took for us at our first meeting. Thank you Don and others who have stepped up to assist the committee and the board as we wade through this process together, as a community. Also thanks to one of our community realtors, Susan Schiavon, who has agreed to further assist in providing some additional real estate information that will be forthcoming in order to answer a few additional questions that came up. It is heartening to hear from so many professionals in the golf and related businesses, living in our little neighborhood, ready, willing, and able to help out when asked. As you might have realized, this is a huge decision and keeping everyone involved and informed is a top priority of ours.
While we may not be able to produce the same documentation at each meeting, we will be gathering notes and questions or ideas, answering anything we can’t answer on the spot, and continuing to provide the information to you via E-blast or snail mail. The chairperson of our committee, Shaun Perdue, will be the presenter at each meeting. Shaun has a detailed template he is following so as to give you the same history and break down of our work each time allowing us to remain as consistent as possible. Thank you Shaun.
Again, if you have any ideas or questions you would like to put forth, you can do it at the meetings you have RSVP too, or you can do it here but in any case following up with a note is helpful so we don’t miss answering or responding to you all. Please email [email protected]. We have already been getting some good thoughts and a few additional questions and will provide both to the community as quickly and as often as possible.
Thank you all for your support and patience,
Your golf committee & your BOD
Eagle-Pointe-Golf-Course-Meeting-Notes-022619(Click on arrows to see following pages)
Q-and-A-Part-1final(Click on arrows to see following pages)
Q-and-A-Part-Il-final(Click on arrows to see following pages)
Q-and-A-Part-IlI-Final-final(Click on arrows to see following pages)